Thursday, January 28, 2010

Exerpts from a recent email from Deb

This week has been good. We are going to Luwerro to play
with some Compassion kids and talk with some missionaries in the area.
I really excited for the trip. Its our first trip!

As for church not that great I have to say. I go to my
family's church to the English service. My host sister likes to sit in
the way back, last pew.

People sit down half way through songs and leave sometimes before the service is over or they show up half way through.
The things is that tons of people come but I think they come for
something to do or because everyone goes on Sunday and not necessarily because they really want to be there.

Its interesting. It not what I thought church was going to be like here. I'm going to try out some other churches here in February with some other USP students.

Weeraba! ( good bye in Luganda)
Love Debbi


  1. Hey Deb,
    My name is Colin, Im Megans boyfriend. Shes been reading your blog, and hence Ive been hearing about it. Sounds like your having a great time. I just got back from a stay in Nairobi and have been through Kampala. Just thought I'd throw in my two cents and let you know that I highly recommend a trip to Jinja. Maybe it was already on your agenda, but if not definitely check it out. It's a beautiful place and has a lot of cool adventure sports. You can go rafting on the Nile.
    Anyways, have fun and feel free to shoot me an email with any random East Africa travel questions.

    Tell Museveni I say what up.

  2. Thanks!Yah, we do get to go to Jinja I think in March! But a few of us might go before then to go rafting on the Nile some weekend like you recommended. So i might take you up on your offer for travel advice. thanks
