Sunday, April 18, 2010

Time is flying by

So my time is coming to an end here in Mukono. We leave this Thursday at 5 am for a 13 some hours bus ride to Rwanda. It should be a good time. I heard the road are just a little bumpy so we shall see:) We are going to Bagali and a few other places along the way on our 10day trip. I'm really excited about going, I have always wanted to go to Rwanda and now I am. But on the other hand it means that these next 2days are the last that I get with my family and friends:( I've really come to love it here. At first it was really hard. I didn't know anyone and I was trying to get use to doing just about everything different; from eating dinner at 10 or 11 to brushing my teeth and wash my face out in the middle of the yard. Hahaha Now I'm use to all those things I forget sometimes how life is different from life in the States cause I feel so comfortable. I remember the first night laying in my bed under my mosquito net listening to hostel across the street playing super load music and people screaming( which at the time i thought it was a mob of people who were going to come and break into the house and take me...hahahaha) and thinking how the heck I was going to make it through 4 months of this!
Now I'm not ready to leave. I mean I really miss everyone back home but I'm going to miss everyone sooo much here too. Its like a double eged sword. I mean the loud music and the random person yelling outside doesn't phase me anymore. It's never quite here
So here are a few of the things that I'm going to really miss from my life here:
-the 6am Wasuzie otya wake up calls of my host dad before he goes off to work
- sitting drinking morning tea listening to the birds and watching the people walk by on the road.
-my walk to school
-watching the chicken jump on the roof of the kitchen
-helping cut up vegs for dinner
-watching La Tormenta with my host brother
-taking a bucket bath
-sitting in the kitchen when the power goes off with the family watching the fire and talking
- playing tag with Stuart and Kyongo
-all foods and the pineapple ginger juice that my family makes
and there is so much more. I wish that I could just stay a little longer or everone from home could just come here. That would be perfect:) well I hope everyone is doing well. See you in May. I think this will be my last post. I may or may not get a chance on the 30th to post about Rwanda.

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